Chris Paulin Memorial Tournament Update


Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, and the hold of competitive play under Ontario Basketball until January 2021, KYBA will not be planning for our 27th annual Chris Paulin Memorial Tournament, which was slated for Dec 4-6, 2020. 

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, and the hold of competitive play under Ontario Basketball until January 2021, KYBA will not be planning for our 27th annual Chris Paulin Memorial Tournament, which was slated for Dec 4-6, 2020.  As the Covid-19 situation improves and our health officials can ease restrictions and allow a competitive return to play and travel for teams, we look forward to hosting our 27th annual Chris Paulin Memorial Tournament December 3-5, 2021.

We remain hopeful of the possibility of offering a small and modified tournament experience later in the 2020-2021 season.  As further information is available, we will update our basketball community accordingly.

In the meantime, we send our best wishes to all of our basketball communtiy and to those who join us annually for this event from across Ontario and Quebec.  We look forward to welcoming all of your players back to the court for this flagship event in 2021!  Until then, stay safe!